! ! BajuLusuhSeluarTampal: [things i will miss]


Saturday, November 8, 2008

[things i will miss]

Huhu, perut aku masih penuh dan bulat dgn mknn yg bli kat pasar malam tadi. Cuma mknn yg org panggil yongtaufu je, tapi benda tu mmg padat dan nak dekat stengah jam jugak la aku dapat abeskn benda tu. Dah penuh perut aku minum air dah lebih 1 liter kot mlm ni je, panas la...ntah la, skrng ni slalu tak ujan je, klu ujan plak sampai seminggu tu la tiap2 ari ujan.

Hmm..ni la benda yg aku akan rindu [besides the usual things like family and so on]. Ntah brape kali je lagi aku akn dpat gi pasar mlm, brape kali la aku dapat rase ujan. Aku ingt lagi mase aku first sem kat intec, blaja german dgn lecturer aku yg mmg german. Ble ujan je dia mst tengok luar kelas, dia kata kat german jrg ujan, jrg sgt smpai ble kat m’sia ujan pun dia kagum gile.

[it has been a long 3years stucked here while my friends are living their] kehidupan universiti, aku sedih jgk aku tak masuk2 degree lagi...lama btul benda yg aku blaja ni. Nasib baik aku lepas, klu tak lepas..terbazir je masa. Mungkin Allah nak aku rasa abes2an m’sia ni, tu yg bagi lama2 tu.

Dan aku makin risau pasal bahu aku, mlm smlm aku bleh [dislocate] sendiri bahu aku walaupun tak spenuhnye. Klu aku wat sampai [fully dislocated] mesti aku dah jerit mcm singa kne [injection]. Hehe, aku akan rindu HUKM dn semua yg aku dah lalui kat sana. [last time i was there for an appointment] doktor tu minta aku dtg beberapa hari lagi lepas tu, bukan untuk aku tapi untuk beberapa puluh masters medical student punye exam. Nak wat aku jadi model untuk diaorg tgk2, hahaha, pnah aku terpikir bleh ke aku saman hospital tu sebab gunakan aku. [they should pay me] tau.

Byk lagi benda yg aku takkan dpt kat sana nnt, contohnye kepanasan yg aku tgh rase skrng ni.

[because i’m so in the mood with this song, so i share with you people] kat bawah tu aku letak embed dari youtube, sape ntah rajin wat slide tu tapi [quite impressive]. [another one from joshua radin], ok la..lepas ni aku tuka org len plak.

"What If You"

What if you
Could wish me away
What if you
Spoke those words today

I wonder if you'd miss me
When I'm gone
It's come to this, release me
I'll leave before the dawn

But for tonight
I'll stay here with you
Yes, for tonight
I'll lay here with you

But when the sun
Hits your eyes
Through your window
There'll be nothing you can do

What if you
Could hear this song
What if I
Felt like I belong

I might not be leaving
Oh so soon
Began the night believing
I loved you in the moonlight

So, for tonight
I'll stay here with you
Yes, for tonight
I'll lay here with you

But when the sun
Hits your eyes
Through your window
There'll be nothing you can do

I could've treated you better
Better than this
Well, I'm gone, this song's your letter
Can't stay in one place

So, for tonight
I'll stay here with you
Yes, for tonight
I'll lay here with you

But when the sun
Hits your eyes
Through your window
There'll be nothing you can do

1 komen komen oltromen:

Anonymous said...

true. they should pay you. hehu.

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